Page 3 - Wisdom Digest 2023-02
P. 3
Essay Award 1 st GED
By: Low Yong Seng
A Christian Perspective
on Abortion
In recent years, the ever-heated topic of abortion has burned hotter and
harder via debates in protests and on Twitter. To Us Christians, abortion is
an abomination: a viewpoint most religions and parties agree on. It is a
fact that violates two of the 10 Commandments of God passed to Moses.
This text will inform why this is so, providing elaboration and refutation for
As said above, abortion is an abomination to the Lord our God, as it is
automatically against Christian views. Because abortion breaks the 6th
Commandment out of the 10: “Thou shall not KILL.” Even unborn, the
embryo or infant is still a life. Taking that life for meaningless, “free-choice”
based reasons are invalid and still counts as murder. Furthermore, most
abortions stem from another type of sin: Sexual immorality. The Bible has
stated that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sexual immorality defiles and body and
spirit. Whether it is from prostitution, unprotected, lust-driven “acts,” or lack of self-control, accidental
pregnancies can result from said acts. That, along with abortion, can be prevented and avoided with a
rational mindset: Purity and self-control.
Furthermore, many, if not all, agree that life is precious: We are fearfully and wonderfully made! For
example, right-winged pro-life supporters have a common viewpoint with Christians: A life is a life and it
should be protected. Additionally, we are created in God’s image, and He deems us valuable and
precious despite our endless sin and wickedness. Humankind should be ashamed for accepting the
wicked doctrines of “pro-choice” abortion supporters. Unfortunately, shame is non-existent in this modern
generation, and it seems that abortion is being viewed as a moral action purely in the name of “free
choice”. The Lord’s judgment will fall on such wickedness.
A shocking majority, mainly left-winged pro-choice liberals, presents arguments, considering the
enforcement of free choice in this matter. Furthermore, they also present this ludicrous statement, “It is just
a clump of cells! It has no life.” Again, as stated earlier, life begins at conception. Therefore, embryos are
not a clump of cells; they are also filled with the breath of life, like you and me. In addition, most who have
performed abortions are typically conceived as a result of sexual immorality and lust, although there are
also many rape victims. Nonetheless, if there is no want of a baby, then either use proper protection or
abstain from intercourse altogether.
To wrap this essay up, abortion is the complete opposite, a direct clash
with Christian viewpoints. Most abortions come from sexual immorality or rape,
but that is an entirely different field that has yet to be addressed in the current
corrupt generation. Without sexual immorality, there will be no accidental
pregnancies, which means no abortion. Alas, we are human, and sin is
embedded in our souls at birth. While it is true that sexual immorality is a
more serious sin, all sins are the same, and humankind should repent and
put an end to this vicious cycle of sin, regret, and death.